Cedars International Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Thursday October 17th, 2024 @12:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Chorbishop Donald J. Sawyer, DMin not present member
Sidne Campbell not present member
Enrique Suarez not present member
Michael Blalock, Board President not present chair
Giacomo Leone not present secretary

I. Call To Order/Approval of Minutes

The Meeting was called to order by Bishop Sawyer at 12:05 pm

G Leone Moved for the Approval of August 15, 2024 Minutes as submitted.

Seconded by Sidney Campbell. Unanimously passed.

II. Report Items

  1. FinancialThe monthly summary from Sheri was presented.
  2. stayed within budget on expenses
  3. Exceeded revenue budget in three areas. TBD later
  4. `More than expected from Grants
  5. Not reinventing the Edward Jones accounts (to be discussed by Mr Blalock).
  6. Refund from IRS after 2022-23.
  7. Unaudited fund balance decreased by $310,000 [Cutting expenses over the summer to keep fund balance where it needed to be was done that enabled the above]
  8. The fund balance is balanced
  9. accounts are reconciled.
  10. The checking balance is 1.2: The Edward Jones balance is 1.7
  11. Charter First:
  12. Received a score of 80 out of possible 100; which is considered a "B"; which is above average
  13. The student-to-teacher ratio is very good.
  14. Investment Report Mr. Blalock will report later.
  15. Update Report Mr. Blalock.
  16. We have had an increase from $35,000 to $370,000. A number of bonds came due this past year. Money Market up to $87,827. Typically reinvent these monies. Generally, we will keep these monies available as there are deficits we need to address as listed in the attached report; repairs, and upcoming needs.
  17. Charter Renewal - The board will have to approve the Charter Renewal which will be an agenda item.

a. The renewal is due on November 15, 2024, and the decision for renewal will be received in April 2025.

b Discretionary Renewal School- financial, operations academic and We are missing the academic "bucket" -The deficiency in the area of academics is mainly due to COVID-19. Details are in the report.

c. The board members need to get the training expected and required.

We serve a highly economically disadvantaged population, more SPED, good parent support, etc., will be addressed in the report along with goals and strategies.

Regular Board Meeting

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Cedars International Academy is scheduled for Thursday October 17, 2024 beginning at 12:00 pm at Our Lady's Maronite Church , Austin, TX 78723.The meeting may be attended via Zoom by contacting Dr. Leslie Sparacello at 512-419-1551 for meeting information. The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on this meeting notice. Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time. As authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq., the Board during the

Consent Agenda

  1. Principal Report Crowley Elementary
  2. Principal Report CINGHS
  3. Superintendent Report
  4. CIP Crowley Elementary
  6. DIP Cedars Academy
  7. Resignations/New Hires
  8. Revised Organizational Chart
  9. EDGAR manual

IV. Discuss and Possible Action Items

  1. Discussion and possible approval of items discussed in closed session.
  2. Discussion and possible addition of board members.
  3. Discussion and possible approval of Superintendent goals.
  4. Discussion and possible approval of a one-time sign on bonus for new hires.
  5. Discussion and possible approval of moving the next board meeting date.
  6. Discussion and possible approval of Cedars Investment Plan
  7. Discussion and possible approval of Contracts 50,000-Hello Subs, Scoot Education Inc, Huntington Tutoring, Texas Therapy, Cascadia Security, Crowe Auditing.

Action Items:

1. Mr Blalock moved to close the closed session. Seconded by G Leone and passed.

2. Mr Blalock made a motion to discuss with our attorney whether it's feasible to join the lawsuit against TEA due to their utilizing unofficial grades for their decision-making process. Seconded by Chorbishop Sawyer. Passed.

3. G leone moved to approve the superintendent's goals, Seconded by Seconded by Bishop Sawyer. Passed

4. Sign-on Bonus for new hires: Kinder and SPED. Mr. Blalock moved to amended to change the bonus from a flat tee to a monthly fee of $400 per month; Bishop Sawyer seconded Passed.

5. Moving the board meeting date to approve the renewal. November 14, at noon, and December meeting to December 12. Moved by Mr Blalock; seconded by Mr. Suarez. Passed.

6.Financial : Investment plan utilize investment plan to meet the needs at hand. Moved by Bishop Sawyer, seconded by G. Leone. Passed

7.Bishop Sawyer moved to approve contracts these contract [SCOOT, SPED, etc] if and when they go above $50,000 Enrique:Suarez, seconded, Passed.

8 Motion adjourned was made by G. Leone Enrique.Suarez, seconded Passed. Passed. The meeting ended at 12:487\om


For the purposes of considering matters for which closed sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551 Texas Government Code Section (.071-.084).

a. To deliberate the appointment, salaries, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee.

b. To deliberate the addition of Board members to the Board of Directors.

c. To discuss possible litigation

G Leone moved to go into closed session, seconded by Sidne Campbell. Closed session started at 12:27 pm.through 12:37 PM.

VII. Upcoming Meeting

November 21, 2024 at Cedars International Academy-Crowley Campus via Zoom

VII. Upcoming Meeting

November 21, 2024 at Cedars International Academy-Crowley Campus via Zoom

VII. Upcoming Meeting

November 21, 2024 at Cedars International Academy-Crowley Campus via Zoom

VII. Upcoming Meeting

November 21, 2024 at Cedars International Academy-Crowley Campus via Zoom

VII. Upcoming Meeting

November 21, 2024 at Cedars International Academy-Crowley Campus via Zoom

VII. Upcoming Meeting

November 21, 2024 at Cedars International Academy-Crowley Campus via Zoom

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:09 pm

Motion to adjourn

There was no notable discussion on the motion.