Chattahoochee Hills Charter School

Academic Excellence Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday November 17th, 2020 @4:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Quote 5 minutes

The goal is to turn data into information and information into insight. Carly Fiorina

Norms 5 minutes

  • Be open to spend the time it takes to learn.
  • Be adaptable to your learning and the learning of others.
  • Create safe space.
  • Embrace that learning is food for the mind.
  • Understand that learning is a process that requires patience with self and others.

(Fisher, Frey, and Hattie, 2020)

i-Ready Data 15 minutes

  • Current status for 1:1 parent conferences
  • How are i-Ready data used for instructional decision-making related to MTSS?
  • How are i-Ready reading and mathematics data used to support instruction in Reading (Lucy Calkins) and Mathematics (Eureka)?
  • How will data from current interim assessments be utilized?

Extended Learning 10 minutes

  • Current weekly schedule is ELA and Mathematics? Has attendance increased since last month?
  • How do we know the schedule is effective?

Staff and Student return to campus 15 minutes

  • What is the current status for Staff Members on campus? Are plans in place for staff members with shared work spaces?
  • What are the results of the parent survey?
  • Do we have a current plan for student return that can be shared during the December Board Meeting?

Next Steps 10 minutes

  • What needs to be prepared for the December Board Meeting?
  • When should we schedule our next meeting?
  • What are our next steps?