Chattahoochee Hills Charter School

Academic Excellence Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday November 17th, 2020 @4:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Jessica Pressley-Willis present member On Time At Adjournment
Patrick Muhammad present member On Time At Adjournment
Deborah Cureton present chair On Time At Adjournment


The goal is to turn data into information and information into insight. Carly Fiorina

Insight is currently derived from two sources of information

1) Data-driven instructional practices- Standards-based common assessments and analysis

2) Accountability measures- Inspecting what is expected


  • Be open to spend the time it takes to learn.
  • Be adaptable to your learning and the learning of others.
  • Create safe space.
  • Embrace that learning is food for the mind.
  • Understand that learning is a process that requires patience with self and others.

(Fisher, Frey, and Hattie, 2020)

i-Ready Data

  • Current status for 1:1 parent conferences
  • How are i-Ready data used for instructional decision-making related to MTSS?
  • How are i-Ready reading and mathematics data used to support instruction in Reading (Lucy Calkins) and Mathematics (Eureka)?
  • How will data from current interim assessments be utilized?

Implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports began October 9, 2020.

i-Ready diagnostic provides opportunity for individual, class, grade-level and schoolwide analysis of "grade-level" assessment. Due to sudden shift to virtual instruction in Spring 2020 a significant % of scholars did not participate in Spring i-Ready assessment.

Extended Learning

  • Current weekly schedule is ELA and Mathematics? Has attendance increased since last month?
  • How do we know the schedule is effective?

Current truncated virtual instruction schedule has been extended. Barriers to communication and online instruction are being addressed. Teachers are scheduling conferences with individual families to review current progress for each scholar. The ILT is considering a traditional schedule after Thanksgiving Break.

Friday- PLCs and Tri-Focus

Staff and Student return to campus

  • What is the current status for Staff Members on campus? Are plans in place for staff members with shared work spaces?
  • What are the results of the parent survey?
  • Do we have a current plan for student return that can be shared during the December Board Meeting?

Staff members are on campus 2 days a week. The rotational schedule enables all to have individual work spaces. COVID protocols are in place and adherence is required. Currently, less than 5 staff members are unable to report to campus due to COVID concerns, Current health status for staff are reviewed each Sunday.

Next Steps

  • What needs to be prepared for the December Board Meeting?
  • When should we schedule our next meeting?
  • What are our next steps?

  • It is important for teachers to utilize i-Ready and communicate scholar progress with parents
  • Teacher assigned lessons and aligned standards-based common assessments are required for maximum student growth
  • Personalized learning plans are being developed from current data sets. Teachers require continued PD and supportive feedback through Bullseye to work effectively and consistently
  • We needed to go back to basics to implement virtual instruction with fidelity


Mr. Muhammad has initiated a partnership with Rodaile Institute. He is working toward ensuring we are a certified organics school

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:00 PM

Motion to adjourn

By: Deborah Cureton Seconded by: Patrick Muhammad

There was no notable discussion on the motion.