Chattahoochee Hills Charter School

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Monday November 13th, 2017 @7:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Dr. Knox Phillips present On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Tyler Thigpen present On Time At Adjournment
Abigail Corbett, J.D. present On Time At Adjournment
Kathryn Lawrence present On Time At Adjournment
Shadeed Abdul-Salaam present On Time At Adjournment
Chester Asher present On Time At Adjournment
April Ledom present On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order, beginning with the pledge of allegiance.

Public Comment

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Approval of the Agenda as Submitted

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will stick to that agenda, and allow for the chair to usher the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

By: Abigail Corbett, J.D. Seconded by: Shadeed Abdul-Salaam

No Discussion

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 16, 2017

Approve Meeting Minutes from October, 16, 2017 Regular Board Meeting

By: Dr. Tyler Thigpen Seconded by: Kathryn Lawrence

Correct the minutes to reflect to Abby Corbett in attendance.

Governance Committee Report

Report out on the work of the Governance Committee

Appoint Jessica P. to the Board

By: Abigail Corbett, J.D. Seconded by: Dr. Knox Phillips

@Knox Phillips made comment about appointment vs election.

Appoint Ms. Mukenge

By: Abigail Corbett, J.D. Seconded by: Dr. Knox Phillips

@Abigail Corbett provided background one the candidate

Appoint Peter V. to Board

By: Abigail Corbett, J.D. Seconded by: Dr. Knox Phillips

@Chester Asher provided feedback on Peter.

Finance Committee Report

Report out on the work of the Finance Committee

Approve Monthly Financial Statements as Presented

By: Dr. Knox Phillips Seconded by: Abigail Corbett, J.D.

@Knox Phillips discussed the need for conservative budgeting @Kathryn Lawrence asked how many new students we have. Chaz P. informed that we have 9-10 new students. Mid-year enrollment adjustments and review of financial statements were provided by Chaz. @Shadeed Abdul-Salaam asked about how many wait list students we have. @Chester Asher responded that the wait list resets until the next general enrollment lottery. @Tyler Thigpen asked about revenue steam and new budgeting. @Chester Asher responded that re-calculation. @Knox Phillips discussed the issue of Fulton Tax collection and the issues these

Academic Excellence Committee Report

Report out on the work of the Academic Excellence Committee

@Tyler Thigpen discussed expeditionary curriculum culture. Discussed rhythm where teacher use of data is actionable. School is positioned to master this process but a few glitches exist, namely with the effectiveness of the FCS FastBridge assessment system. Positives include teachers and team attention to academic content standards. Students are learning about things they will be held accountable for. Lesson planning oversight and accountability is a promising sign of what is happening in each classroom. Feedback teachers are receiving in virtual program is positive. Overhaul of Special Education department is incredible and instruction in this area is improving. The improvements made are strategic bets in the process of improving instruction and the team is aware of this and the solutions.

@Abigail Corbett asked if the rhythm is something that will work for next year. @Tyler Thigpen responded that this process for academic improvement is sustainable ad replicable for future years.

Tammy (DCI) discussed data grade bands and interim assessments. Making data available for teachers. @Chester Asher spoke about the data leads at every grade level who are responsible for coding data and presenting it to the grade level team.

@Tyler Thigpen called for a volunteer for data analysis.

Facilities Committee Report

Report out of Facilities Committee work

@Shadeed Abdul-Salaam discussed the conference call with the architect and builder regarding groundbreaking for the phase of construction. Groundbreaking has been moved to December. Details will be provided by Foundation as to what the next steps will be. Working with mayor. Facilities committee is still recruiting members to join. Permitting is still in process. Tom Reed will provide an update.

External Affairs and Communications Committee Report

Report out of External Affairs and Communications Committee

@Kathryn Lawrence presented a condensed version of the communications plan for the school. Board vote needs to occur as soon as Board approves. Provided a good roadmap to the school for administration to manage communications to various stakeholders. Much work has been done with the redesign of the website. It is work in progress and will provide guidelines for the administration to move forward with communications. Dominique Love has great contacts with external relations that can assist.

@Tyler Thigpen asked about the Board vote and if it is about having the Board draw consensus. @Knox Phillips responded that it will require Board vote if it requires school to act upon. @Abigail Corbett provided follow-up that the Board should vote on the communications plan.

@Tyler Thigpen asked about capacity to implement. @Kathryn Lawrence will work with Asher and Dominique to develop a plan. @Knox Phillips responded that the plan is aspirational. @April Ledom asked if the plan will be prioritized for each year @Kathryn Lawrence responded that was intended to be for the 2017-2018 school year. @Tyler Thigpen responded that should look to expand our volunteer base to meet the needs of the plan.

Strategic Planning Committee Report

Report out of strategic planning committee work

@Chester Asher discussed a meet and greet at Dominique Love's house with original funders to build relationships based on the current needs of the schools. Discussed the strategic planning feedback process from external partners. Strategic plan is on the website. The last constituency to received feedback from is students. The student council will provide feed

@Knox Phillips discussed the charter renewal process and the need to file a letter of intent in December 2017. Following up with potential partners to assist with renewal.

@Tyler Thigpen discussed the importance of relationship building.

Executive Director's Report

The school leader reports on the status of the school.

@Chester Asher presented the Charter Goals Dashboard to the Board and community. Chaz Patterson presented information on student attrition. The Dashboard is located in the public board documents site of the school's website.

Presentation and Approval of Annual Report

Report of Annual Audit by the Executive Director

Approve Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report as Presented

By: April Ledom Seconded by: Dr. Tyler Thigpen

@Chester Asher presented the annual audit to the Board. The audit was successfully submitted to the state governing body on November 1, 2017.

Executive Session

The Board will meet in Executive Session to discuss a personnel, legal, or student matter.

Move to enter executive session.

By: Dr. Knox Phillips Seconded by: April Ledom

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:59 pm

Motion to adjourn

There was no notable discussion on the motion.