Chattahoochee Hills Charter School

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Monday April 16th, 2018 @7:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Dr. Warren Edwards present On Time At Adjournment
Abigail Corbett, J.D. present On Time At Adjournment
April Ledom present On Time At Adjournment
Shadeed Abdul-Salaam not present
Dr. Knox Phillips not present
LaChauna Edwards, Esq. present On Time At Adjournment
Dominique Love not present
Peter Vantine present On Time At Adjournment
Jessica Pressley-Willis present On Time At Adjournment
Kapinga Mukenge present On Time At Adjournment
Chester Asher present On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order, beginning with the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

By: Abigail Corbett, J.D. Seconded by: LaChauna Edwards, Esq.

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Minutes from Mar 12, 2018

The Governing Board met on Monday March 12th, 2018 @7:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 51 minutes long meeting. Present: Dr. Warren Edwards, April Ledom, Shadeed Abdul-Salaam, Dr. Knox Phillips, LaChauna Edwards, Esq., Peter Vantine, Jessica Pressley-Willis, Kapinga Mukenge, Chester Asher Not Present: Abigail Corbett, J.D., Dominique Love

The members considered the following items:

  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes from Feb 12, 2018
  3. Public Comment
  4. Approval of Meeting Agenda
  5. School Leader Report
  6. Finance Committee Report
  7. Academic Excellence Committee Report
  8. Governance Committee Report
  9. External Affairs and Communications Committee Report
  10. Facilities Committee Report
  11. Strategic Planning Committee Report
  12. Executive Session

The committee considered 8 motions, of which 7 passed, and 0 failed:

  1. Approve Agenda as submitted (passed)
  2. Approve the minutes as submitted (passed)
  3. Approve the Meeting Agenda as Submitted (passed)
  4. Approve the Monthly Financial Statements as Submitted (passed)
  5. Approve Principal Recommendation - Mr. Patrick Muhammad (passed)
  6. Approve the First Read of the Proposed Board Bylaws for Public Review and Comment (proposed)
  7. Enter Executive Session (passed)
  8. Exit Executive Session (passed)

    The meeting adjourned at 9:25PM

Approve the minutes as submitted

By: April Ledom Seconded by: Jessica Pressley-Willis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public Comment

PTO - moved meetings to the week following the governing board meeting. 

May 6 - 12:00-5:00pm May Day at Serenbe One of the biggest fundraisers for PTO. Volunteer signup sheets will go out tomorrow
Will have horses and a small petting zoo, art station, sand station, and usual games and food and face painting and possibly small tattoos. 
contemplating not having a dunk tank due to unsanitary conditions 

Finance Committee Report

Personnel Recommendation

-Director of Individualization Education. Will take over the SPED department. 
-Proposed start date of June 29th. Looking to see if from a contractual basis she can start sooner. 

Financial Reports
-For the month of April there was a $29k charges that will not be recurring charges. The charges included saturday academy
-At the end of the school year we should have $90,946.47 cash in the account. 
-$8k was used this month to add safety measures to the classrooms. The doors will lock when closed to prevent outsiders from coming in. 
-Theres $14k in carryover funds that must be used this fiscal years. It will be used this year to purchase consumables. 
RFPs currently out for cleaning services. 2/3 have scheduled walk troughs of the buildings. 1 is the current vendor. Proposals are due from the vendors by the end of the month. 
Teacher's retirement is increasing $100k which will increase the money needed for next year. 
Bond payments are going up next year also. 
Total is about $250k that the school will need to come up with.
The team has a plan in place to make cuts if necessary but the goal is to make no cuts. Fundraising will be big this coming year. 
Goal is for Mr. Muhammed to revamp the EMAP program to also increase funds. 

Financial Policy
Finance Committee was provided the policies this week and the team will look at them and update next meeting. 
The initial budget for FY19 was presented to the Finance committee. The team should be able to report next month. 
The next meeting the team will present what is likely to come in June. 
There should be an increase for next year. 

Academic Excellence Committee Report

Mr. Muhammed - New principal says that he feels the school is going up and he is excited to be at CHCS. 

-Member from the public chimed in that the feedback parents are hearing from teachers is that the principal is well liked. 

Governance Committee Report

@Abigail Corbett, J.D. - Coming up in June, several board members are up in June. There are also some existence vacancies. There is a link on the website to send out to anyone interested in joining the board. 

May 7th is next meeting and we need to nominate people to put on the ballot. 

-Preference for individuals with external affairs/communication experience. Also, a preference for individuals who are familiar with charter renewal or great writers. 

Will still do a retreat but the GCSA has limited validity and @Dr. Knox Phillips will try to coordinate a date in May.

External Affairs and Communications Committee Report


Facilities Committee Report


Strategic Planning Committee Report


The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Abigail Corbett, J.D. Seconded by: Jessica Pressley-Willis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

School Leader Report

@Chester Asher - Testing is in full swing. There have been no internet or tech issues. Network and computers were upgraded. Mr. Rodney and Ms. Johnson helped plan a tight planning and testing schedule. Tests are being proctored appropriately. 

476 enrollment - 758 students on waitlist
9 slots available 
97% attendance for the year. - Attendance will play a big part in CCRPI ratings next year
School/Staff Culture - Goal is to increase salaries for staff to bring staff up to FCS base levels. 
2 resignation (1 in 5th grade and 1 on the leadership team) this month. 
Trimester assessment scoring is based on 10 standards and captures what the student is able to do/what the learning and knowledge is for the student. 

Interim Graphs - Students are performing greater than the milestones performance from last year. The only area of decrease was 4th grade reading. However, every other area of ELA saw improvement 

Interdisciplinary Projects have begun. Some questions scholars are answering: in K, how can we save the trees, how to preserve the trees, what do we gain from trees. 
in 1st grade - what would be the best tree habitat
Middle School  - what can we do to improve the habitats for all animals at CHCS

SPED - 100% scholars are revising TAG and IEP services...No changes in the tiers over the past month. @April Ledom asked what qualifies to move tiers. @Chester Asher said that if a student is failing a class, the staff identify what the student needs to work on. The data will show whether or not the student is progressing in the area.

Working on a Honda Foundation Grant - part of the money would be used to hire an engineer to look at the flooding issues on campus and to include the scholars
Wants Greystone to partner with CHCS to help teach about energy conservation
The goal is to get students to be excited that they will be learning how to solve real world problems 

$7k governors office of student achievement will be used to create the school bus music studio. 7th graders will work on designing the space which will involve math and science (measurements and acoustics). 

All grants that he school is applying for is not just for the corporation/organization to bring the money to the campus but for the students to learn about the skills that the particular business offers and how it works int he world. 

Dollar a day - if every parent donated $1/day for each kid they have. It would increase the budget by $100k every year. Starting tomorrow there will be bins during pick up and drop off to allow parents to drop money/change in. 

Fire lane costs unexpected and drops the contingency fund to $12k. Foundation board is considering having a Solar in the new building. It will save the school money but also make the school eligible for more grants. The solar calculates the sun usage and will help scholars to learn more about energy/the sun. Velo Solar is the company that will assist with incorporating the solar and are excited to work with the student also. 

New Grass was donated by the Loggins family. 

STEAM camp limited to 250 scholars. Costs were made to be affordable compared to the other programs around. 6-7 weeks. Each week will be a different subject. Parents have the option to sign their child up for certain weeks. 

Arranging a visit for Target's corporate giving dept. Also, with Kaiser. 

Expanding relationship with real school gardens. 

Trees of Hope - this Saturday From Noon- Until 2. the community service event. There is a white supremacist rally in Newnan. TO counter the history of the area, the community service project will be to plant trees. The private school (Heritage Academy) will partner with the school.  Will plant fruit trees and. 
It is poetry month so the students also have the option to plant or hang there palms on the trees. 

@April Ledom asked if only the 1st month is STEAM camp also wants to know if you can signup for individual weeks....@Chester Asher said the website just needs some adjusting. 

@Peter Vantine asked how the parent and teacher satisfaction surveys are tracked. @Chester Asher said the states hasn't returned the results. However, admin needs to send another to the parents. 


The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Dr. Warren Edwards Seconded by: LaChauna Edwards, Esq.

There was no notable discussion on the motion.