Chattahoochee Hills Charter School

People and Culture

Regular Meeting - Wednesday July 29th, 2020 @5:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Reviewing our People and Committee Goals 15 minutes

Revisit Strategic Plan

80% of staff successfully implementing weekly PLC objectives 

90% of high quality staff are retained each year

90% of families are retained each year

90% of staff  would recommend Chatt Hills as a place to work

90% of families would recommend Chatt Hills as a place to send their child

When and how will we measure these goals?

Reviewing Policies for July 45 minutes

  • Employee Evaluation/Hiring Protocols
  • Grievance Process (for staff and families)
  • Conflict of Interest
  • RFP approval/current review process
  • Disaster policy and procedures (for closing/reopening school)
  • Community, Visitors, and Volunteers
  • Affirming our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusiveness 

See policy review calendar