Governing Board

Board of Directors Meeting May 2024 - Monday May 20th, 2024 @5:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to the order, beginning with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence.

Approval of Agenda 1 minutes

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.


  1. The agenda was amended to include an Executive Session after the Public Comment for a Student Appeal.

Approval of April Minutes 1 minutes


Public Comment 5 minutes

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted one minute. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Prestige 15 minutes

Presenting JICHS monthly Financial Statement.


First Reading of FY 2025 Budget 10 minutes

For approval.


Leadership Report 10 minutes

Presented by Leadership Chair, Mrs. Lori Cowart and Vice Chair, Dr. Tanner Tucker.


2024-25 Academic Calendar 5 minutes

For approval.

November 14, 2024, and January 30, 2025, are 1.5-hour delayed start days. This time will be used only be for Professional Learning Communities and/or department meetings.


ESSER II Audit 5 minutes

SCDE rejected the use of ESSER II funds for the EvolvTech system. JICHS must refund $122,365.16 to the SCDE.

ESSER III Plan Revision 5 minutes

For approval.


Triton Vape Detectors Quote 10 minutes

For approval.

Add one more smart sensor for We Care. Total is $32,989.


Athletic Report 10 minutes

Presented by Athletic Director Jeremy Holland.

2023-24 Athletic Highlights


Maintenance Report 1 minutes

Presented by Mr. Thorn


School Leader Report 10 minutes

Presented by Mr. Thorn


Executive Session 60 minutes

  • Parent Grievance
  • District 3 Student Attendance Appeal
  • Personnel Matter
  • Principal Evaluation

Motions From Executive Session 5 minutes


Adjourn 1 minutes