Governing Board

Board of Directors Meeting January 2025 - Monday January 27th, 2025 @5:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Timothy Thorn present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Andrea Quinn not present secretary
Clarissa Walker-Whaley present member On Time At Adjournment
Laura Herring present member On Time At Adjournment
Kate Tucker-Ostergard present member On Time At Adjournment
Henry Meeuwse present member On Time At Adjournment
Cathy Woodall present member On Time At Adjournment
Nick Schumacher present member On Time At Adjournment
Kristen Mulholland present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM, beginning with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence.

Approval of Minutes from Dec 16, 2024

Motion made to approve the minutes from December 2024.

By: Henry Meeuwse Seconded by: Laura Herring

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Motion was made to amend the agenda to include the Batting Cage Estimate.

By: Henry Meeuwse Seconded by: Laura Herring

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public Comment

No public comment this month.


Andrew Cilone presenting JICHS monthly Financial Statement for approval.

JICHS December 2024 Finance Report

We are currently halfway through the school year so when we get to profit and losses we are looking to be at the 50% mark. Our cash on hand in General operating is currently at 52 days and cash on hand in Ameriprise is 95 days for a total of 147 days cash on hand, a decrease from 158 days last month, primarily due too going construction costs, which we expect to end soon.

Enrollment changed slightly. The 45 day count happens in October, but isn't applied until the January funding comes around. The numbers for budgeting purposes were adjusted from 1584 to account for early winter graduates.

Balance sheet:

-gain/loss on invest is an unrealized amount so unitl it is withdrawn from Ameriprise that number can fluctuate. As of right now, the school has about $256,000, which increased our budget.

-the other major increase was the state aide to classroom number, which went up over $300,000 after the per pupil increase, which excludes the early winter graduates.

-the budget was create this year thinking that the ESSER funding would be completely spent but it was not so we zeroed out that line.

Updated CCSD Charter School Formula

We received our new per pupil allocation from CCSD. That number came in at $10,141.00, which was $140 per person higher than was expected.

Clarissa Walker-Whaley ask Andrew Cilone when would would see the full extend of the impact of the new funding and when would we see the reconsile with everything balanced out in the budget. Andrew explained that we will receive to deposits of money generally one at the end of January and one at the end of June with the additional funding.

Leadership Report

Presented by Leadership Vice Chair, Dr. Tanner Tucker.

January 2025 Leadership Report

We reinstated the YONDR bags, which has gone well.

Musice Dept. had a couple of piano students selected for an honors recital in Columbia.

A big topic has been the AVID and IB have intergration. They are working together to try to merge some of the common themes and ideas, especially with the Global Pathways. We found that a lot of those objectives overlap so we are trying to integrated that and target additional students for the IB Program.

The preliminary data for the End of Course exams for the first semester look promising. Predictions are great. Compared to last fall the math, biology and US history have all improved quite a bit.

Capital Projects Overview


CCSD Phase V Maintenance

Phase V 2023-2028

Other things to consider when it comes to the stadium is we are currently in Phase V for CCSD. This is slated for about $4.2 million dollars that will go toward the stadium renovation. There were be a Phase 6 as well.

Athletic Construction Needs

Based on last year the track resurfacing project rose to $472,000. We will be getting that back dollar for dollar from CCSD. About $99,000 of that will be spent on new fencing that runs along the athletic drive, which will leave about $372,000. The lighting plan that was tabled last year because the track was an emergent project that need to get done, came back with a quote through CCSD at around $360,000, which included putting lights in the back practice field which is a much larger space than the stadium grandstands. So the with the leftover $372,000 and the fact that CCSD allocated the lights from one field through their capital projects, we should be able to get both projects done through CCSD. Mr. Thorn submitted the request on January 27th, 2025 that we want both fields lit, get it back on the docket, and reschedule and planned for. LED lights are needed on the athletic fields. The space below the stadium which is currently used for storage, football locker room, and wrestling room all those are spaces looked at in the future. The mezzanine space would be used for cheerleading and maybe wrestling. We also need to look at additonal parking.

Updated Quote's for the Batting Cages/Turf Project

The updated quote came in this morning. The concrete pad can be repaired for $12,000 and it will cost $54,000 to put the turf down. The $54,000 was voted on last October but we could not doing anything until the TRC said that we could keep the pad, then the budget changed.

Motion made to approve the Turf Project and the Concrete Project.

By: Kate Tucker-Ostergard Seconded by: Laura Herring

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Science Classroom Addition

Informational - Mr. Thorn and Nick Schumacher had a call with Mark Clancey, from Clancey Wells Architecture, to discuss concerns about how high the budget is. Mr. Clancey will organize a meeting with Hill Construction to discuss the quote that we have since it will likely need updating any way since it is over a year old at this point. There was also a discussion about getting a feasability picture of renovating the existing stadium instead of replacing it.

Replacement Lighting for PAC

Informational- Incandescent to LED

The LED lights, although might take a few years, will pay for themselves. The incandescent lights with the heat that it puts on the performers and the energy that they put out need to be changed. In the proposal please address the life expectancy of what they plan to install. These lights should last a long time. This should be addressed in the RFP.

JICHS PAC Lighting Conversion RFP

Initial Lighting Quote (minus ColorSource Spotlight)

RFP #1 and Updated Lighting Quote

The all in quote tracking and spot light feature would be roughly $100,000. Mr. Bateman is still working on getting all the quotes. Our goal is to go through finance in February to get it approved and bring it in front of the Board in February as well.

Performing arts would like two more classrooms added to their building.

Athletic Report

Presented by Mr. Thorn.

Coach Howard won coach of the year.

The Wrestling Team has been doing amazing. They're number one.

January Atheltic Report

Maintenance Report

Presented by Mr. Thorn

January Maintenance Report

School Leader Report

Presented by Mr. Thorn

1.27.2025 School Leader Report

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:49 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Nick Schumacher Seconded by: Laura Herring

There was no notable discussion on the motion.