Governing Board

Board of Directors June Meeting - Monday June 24th, 2019 @5:30 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to the order, beginning with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence.

Approval of Agenda 5 minutes

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted

Report from Governing Board 15 minutes

The Governing Board met on Monday May 20th, 2019 @5:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 56 minutes long meeting. Present: Donald Morillo, Timothy Thorn, Jeffrey Wiseman, George Williams, Abby Wilkins, Henry Meeuwse, Melanie Millar, Sandra Barbour
Not Present: none

The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes from Apr 15, 2019
4. Approval of Minutes from Apr 25, 2019
5. Public Comment
6. Prestige (KM Consulting)
7. 2nd Reading of 19-20 Budget
8. One Lunch for JICHS
9. June 7, 2019, Staff Release at 12:30 pm
10. Leadership Report
11. Maintenance Report
12. School Leader Report
13. Executive Session
14. Motions From Executive Session

The committee considered 10 motions, of which 10 passed, and 0 failed:
1. Approve the agenda as submitted (passed)
2. Approve the minutes as submitted (passed)
3. Approve the minutes as submitted (passed)
4. One Lunch at JICHS (passed)
5. Early release (passed)
6. Into Executive Session (passed)
7. Out of Executive Session (passed)
8. Approve Carpet Quote (passed)
9. Approve additional CTE square footage (passed)
10. Accept Amendment for Section 4.4 of the CCSD Charter Contract. (passed)

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM

Public Comment 15 minutes

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Prestige (KM Consulting) 15 minutes

Presenting JISCH monthly Financial Statement.


2019-2020 Budget 15 minutes

3rd Reading of the Budget for the 19-20 school year.


Charter Revisions 15 minutes


The Leadership Team shall be comprised of the following teaching and administrative staff members: the Department Chairs of Science, Math, English, Social Studies, World Languages, Guidance, Physical Education, Career and Technology Education, Fine Arts, ROTC, Special Education, and Library Media; and the Athletic Director, IB Coordinator, Assistant Principals, and the Principal.

Revision- The Leadership Team shall be comprised of the principal, assistant principals, department chairpersons, and any other faculty or staff member that is approved by the Leadership Team.  

New- The Mission of JICHS is to develop confident, responsible, lifelong and college-career ready learners who can excel in society by means of an innovative and diverse curriculum in a safe and enriching (old- nurturing) environment supported by all stakeholders. 

Add Instructional coach to Leadership Team, Split Fine Arts Department Chair into Visual Arts and Performing Arts, amend the teacher workday to 7:45 am to 3:45 pm.

School Leader Report 15 minutes

Presented by Mr. Thorn


Executive Session 60 minutes

  • Contracts- IRF Legal Update
  • Personnel- Athletic Director position
  • Legal- 
  • Student Privacy-